
Bishop Bergie's Christmas 2024 Letter & St Patricks Church Caledonia Bambinelli Sunday 2024:

Father Jerome Christmas and New Year Greetings:

St. Patrick's Poster News:

Family Rosary. Hosted by: Angelica Kovacs

When: Every Friday at 7:00 pm. Please join us on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 467 800 4427

Meeting Code: Rosary

Living in God's Amazing Grace!

Watch Daily TV Mass at the Loretto Abbey Chapel in Toronto

Watch Daily Mass At Catholic TV

Livestream Most Reverend Gerard Bergie Sunday Mass at 11:30 A.M.

Pastor: Father Jerome Mascarenhas OCD, Email: (905) 765-2729

Secretary: Suzanne Hunter,Email: (905) 765-2729

Office Hours

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Friday 9:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M.

Parish News

1) Sunday Feb. 9th - Children Liturgy at 10:30 am mass..

2) Tuesday Feb. 11th mass anointing of the sick.

3) Wensday Feb. 12th PPC meeting at 6:00 pm.

4) Thursday Feb. 13th CWL Executive Meeting at 6:00 pm..

5) Friday Feb. 14th Family Rosary Prayer at 7:00 pm..

6) St Patrick’s church Pot Luck Saturday Feb. 15th 2025 at 6:00 pm after mass. Sign up sheet in the Lobby; bring your own utensils and plates.

7) DONATION OF SECURITIES FORM To assist parishioners in year-end tax planning,the Diocese is pleased to provide a Donation of Securities Form. Parishioners can make donations of securities to the Parish or Diocese and receive a receipt for income tax purposes for the full market amount of the securities donated. The Diocese covers all costs for the processing of the donation. The Donation of Securities form may be obtained from the parish office or by contacting John O’Brien, CFO, at 905-684-0154 x206 or

8) Alpha program sign up Exciting news!! In line with the diocese's renewed focus on forming new missionary disciples, our parish will be exploring Alpha in the new year. Alpha is a program that is designed for evangelization: re-igniting the spark within each of us, and forming new disciples - inviting all of us to enter intentionally into relationship with Christ. Alpha has a very inviting and easy to approach set up: a meal, followed by a short video and then small group discussion. Through this process, we hope to have hearts set on fire with love for Jesus! For more information please contact Nick Ali at: Also sign up to be the part of the team

9) K of C NEWS

Hello Fans of sausage. Once again, the Knights of
Columbus and our glorious sausage maker, Mike Zyma, will be making Roasted Red Pepper Sausages on
Saturday Feb. 22 in the church basement. Brother
knights if you would like to learn how to make sausage please let us know and we will teach you.

10) Knights of Columbus Roasted Red Pepper Sausage Sale: $10 dollars for package of four. Order before Saturday February 22 Place orders after masses. Contact Alex Komarninski 905-765-4908 or Komar 1948 Can pay by interact or

11) Pray for peace in Ukraine!

12) Pray for peace in the Middle East!

11) We are now able to accept donations by E-transfer. Please send to or

Masses Times Are:

Weekday Masses : Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M in the church.

Weekend Masses: Saturday - 5:00 P.M Sunday - 8:30 A.M &10:30 A.M.

Eucharistic Adoration : Every Friday After Morning Masses.

Christmas Eve 2021 Mass, Click Here To Watch.


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